the campus church - atheism remix from the campus church on Vimeo.
A great video to watch, if you've got 80 minutes. If you don't then watch it in two sittings like I did. The first 4o minutes are a fantastic presentation and argument put forth by Dr. Mohler. The second 40 minutes is a Q&A that I found to be very informative and comforting.
you christians just want everyone to follow your ways because anything that is different threatens your way of life. Many atheists are content with a wife and the fear of a fake Creator
That is sweeping reductionism if I've ever seen it.
Agree with Mort Downey
This is probably my biggest gripe with atheists and how they debate. Denounce people of faith with sweeping reductionism and generalizations rather than actually engage in dialogue. It smacks of arrogance and chokes any potential for beneficial discourse.
I reckon there is no need to debate as an atheist, theist, creationist or apologist as their arguments seem to revolve around separate quests for truth. Or is all this big, maddening fuss over the assumption that theists believe they accept the truth about life's problems by faith and the atheists simply refute accepting faith as superstition? Really? The quest for discovery is the quest for righteousness. It's my opinion that nobody likes to be wrong, but people sure do like to feel right. So isn't it just about enjoying the quest? What if, pray tell, both sides are wrong? Who cries for the agnostic? Which I believe a vast majority of the world is, even if they hold a position of faith. With a lack of education, how can they possibly make an informed decision? If faith is validated by action, it seems that most people won't go that far out of fear of judgement of their peers. Also, because I believe the man or woman considered to be of average intelligence by searchers and theologians, is no different than you or I. I think that they will inevitably ask the question, "what will it matter in the end"? Their eternal soul? When I was a youth, working in Belize for SBC missions, I had to teach kids what a soul was. It was not simple task and I feel that I lied a great deal to "save" something that they didn't understand right there on the spot. My pastor said that I planted seeds. All I could ask were seeds to what? For a kid to read the OT instead of Shakespeare or the supposed words of Christ instead of the actual writings of Hemingway, Ingersoll, Einstein, Thoreau, or Hawking? While we argue about ideals and theories that spin some into a violently mad passion, the freedoms of people in almost every country are currently being oppressed by other people for an assortment of reasons based in the arguments of revenge and acts of righteousness. Maybe man as a whole is just bored. I am fascinated at what motivates a man to hate another man. I believe this to be the most profane quest. Once you start figuring out what makes a man hate, you can figure out how to do anything with people. Can we kill hate? No. Can we win over hate? No. The only place there are winner's are in sports and spelling bees, my dad used to say. I think the only way to combat hateful ignorance is with education based on the question, Why?
:) that's lol
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